Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Data Structures Questions

PART - A Questions

1. Define a queue?

2. Mention any two similarities and dissimilarities between stack and queues.

3. Define a Binary Search Tree.

4. Represent the following algebraic expression into binary tree form:
A + (B-C)*(E+F)/G.

5. Disadvantages of using an array to represent a binary tree.

6. Sort the following numbers using Merge sort 15,5,30,6,3,95.

7. What are the major differences between linear search and binary search

8. procedures? Write their time complexity

9. Define “Data Structures”.

10. What are the advantages of using Doubley linked list over singly linked list

11. Write an algorithm to count the number of nodes in a singly linked list?

12. Write algorithm for post order traversal of a Binary tree?

13. What do you mean by Hash function? Give an example.

14. Disadvantages of using an array to represent a binary tree.

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